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Animation Process

Understanding more about Screen Resolution(PPI) vs Printing Resolution (DPI)

With all the various screen resolutions such as 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2K, 4K, 8K, and the list is only getting longer. How do I know whats the best resolution for me and my project? We’ll attempt to explain why screen resolution and print resolution is relevant in the context within the Architectural Industry.

The two common concepts we have to understand are the Screen Resolution which is measured in pixels (Pixel Per Inch), and the Print Resolution which is measure in DPI (Dot Per Inch).

The screen resolution is usually expressed in measurements of width x height, for example, 1080p is actually 1920 pixels across and 1080 pixels down, this is crucial when you need to display the rendering or animation in a digital screen.

The Print Resolution or DPI measures the number of dots in printed inch, this is crucial when you need the renderings in physical format regardless is for marketing, presentation, or billboard.


Rendering Projects

How does Screen Resolution impact your Rendering?

It does not, With a standard 4K rendering, there is no limit on what kind of devices or digital display screen for viewing such as smartphone, tablet, computer, or TV displays.

How DPI affects Renderings, ie Printing the Rendering?

A resolution of 300 DPI gives you the maximum size that you can use for your photo for printing. The standard 4K rendering we’re offering is only at 72 DPI, without getting into the mathematical calculation, but you will be able to print on letter size (8.5 x 11) paper at 300 DPI, which is suitable for most marketing purposes.


Source: RGB Spectrum

Animation Projects

How does Screen Resolution impact your Animation?

At LiFang we offer various resolution sizes for Animations, our standard resolution is 720p (1280x720). Which resolution is best for your project heavily depends on the type of digital display media and size.

  • 720p is best for smaller devices such as smartphone, tablet, and computers with closer viewing distance.

  • 1080p is best for larger TV screens and projectors with view distance between 5 to 15 feet.

  • 4K the highest quality resolution is great for the large or small screens, at a closer viewing distance within 10 feet.

How DPI affect Animation?

In most cases DPI will have no impact on Animations unless you want to print rendering of the animation out for marketing purposes, then please read How DPI affects Renderings?

The free screenshots from our animation are only at the resolution of the animation itself.

At LiFang we’re offering our clients the highest quality photo-realistic renderings standard at 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution and standard 720p (1280 x 720) for all our animations. For more information please visit our Interior Rendering, Exterior Rendering, 360 Tour or Animation Services pages.